Experiment IV: Chapter Seven
Experiment IV will now be continued in my blog due to moving sims 3 to another computer and the backup not being recognised.
As Tess felt herself come back into the dreary room, she did not open her eyes. She wanted what she had been dreaming to be real. Tess took a deep breath as she desperately tried to get into it. No luck. She then groaned as she rolled over, her skin rubbing against the coarse sheets.
The dream had been wonderful. Tess had been there with all her old friends who had been with her in Tykes' dreadful experimental chambers. Louie, Xena... but, as soon as she had opened her eyes, she had felt like crying, as they were not with her now.
Tess struggled out of bed and sat down in her chair, rubbing her hot cheeks. And then she remembered.
She had been feeling anxious as she had tried to get to sleep the night before. She had forgotten why, but now, as her mind was clea-ish from the regeneration (sleep), she remembered.
Jared had been taken prisoner. By Tyke.
Tess flopped her head as she felt the tears brim in her eyes. It had been her fault that he had been moved to one of Tykes' most nastiest 'chambers'. His prison.
"EX409F.. I know you're there..." Tess jumped as she heard a bold knock coming from the wall. As the vibration slowly moved throughout the house, which had been built with mundic block, part of the ceiling collapsed. Of course. This was expected from the aresnic house.
"Be wise. I tought you to be logical. Use your mind to calculate how long it is going to be until you the house collapses, and you die of arsenic poisoning."
Tess slowly crept to the wall, and put her hand against it as her ear met the thin wall. One word escaped her lips, "Tyke!"
Tyke stroked the wall, rubbing off the paint that covered the mundic blocks, "I've got back-up surrounding your house. They came while you were regenerating. You never heard it due to your stiff cycle. I planted something in your ear when you were first created - a sound killer. It is programmed to automatically start when you sleep. Explains alot, doesn't it?" He thumped the wall again. More arsenic crumbled from the ceiling. Tess shivered as dust surrounded her. She tried not to breathe.. this would be easy.. they were trained not to rely on oxygen.. they had chemical converters in their lungs..
"By the way, I don't think your biometric converter will.. covert arsenic."
Tess started to cough as the aresnic settled in her lungs.
"Give yourself up, or you will.. well, you can work it out."